God’s Power at Work

Two weeks ago, I was in extended drought of speaking invitations and had only three scheduled on one weekend at the end of 12 of those weeks, but then suddenly I have nine opportunities for July and the same for August.  The July schedule includes two men’s groups, one student ministry, and other ministries in Omaha, Bellevue, Seward and Milford, Nebraska. 
This is a big praise the Lord and a thank you to all of you who prayed for me.  And while I have these opportunities in July, we actually have three Sundays still open and they are July 3, 10 and 31.  But I am so encouraged by the sudden change and wanted to thank you for your thoughts, encouragement and prayers at the start of this report.
  • Last Friday Jason and I were honored to minister at an Extreme Youth Event and after an extended time of worship and teaching, we saw most of the children ages 8 to 13 laid out on the floor under the power of God. Then we released them to pray for each other and more manifestations happened.  God gave me some direct and accurate words of knowledge that ministered to many of them as well.  Diane Cory is doing such a great job with these children, teaching and equipping them in the applications of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • Saturday we were blessed and ministered with our guests Angie Butts and Pastor Duaine Johnson at the Breakthrough Prayer Seminar at Beautiful Savior Lutheran and many including senior pastor Keith Grimm shared on how much they learned and were blessed by God through the teachings and Prayer ministry.
  • Sunday we ministered two services at Victory Church in Omaha and in the evening I saw more healing power and manifestations than I had in quite awhile with ears opening, eyes cleared, and many pain issues healed along with a variety of other manifestations.  The power of the Lord was so strong and so precise and easy to flow with that is was simply simple.  Most of the ministry actually happened with the congregation seated in a family atmosphere and only occasionally did I actually lay hands on people.  The Holy Spirit just gave me one word of knowledge after another, and Jesus met the people in so many personal ways.  God was in the house for sure!  Thank you to Pastor Joe Laughlin for inviting us. 
Over the weekend, I think we had 26 to 30 commitments to the Lord as well, so that is just another indication of the Lord’s faithfulness and His genuine care for the people.  And you helped make all of this possible.
We have also continued our process of praying for businesses and here are a few of the types of businesses we have or are praying for:
Fireplace & BBQ, Production Warehouse, Direct Mailing, Printing, Schools, Day Care, Salons, Video Recording, Sign Making, Medical Doctor, Chiropractor, Restaurant, City Planning, Computer Technology, Sports Equipment, Pastors and Churches, and then God opened up doors for us to pray for friends and total strangers and to witness to the power of the Lord through mentoring and healing as well. 

I would love to have your feedback and also any testimonies of how this ministry has blessed, assisted or encouraged you or those you know.