Healed of Lyme Disease, Arthritis, Neuropathy, Sleep Disorders, Pain Issues, and More.

DSCF8262Jason and I were honored to return to Redeemer Lutheran in Fridley, MN for my 5th ministry trip at this location.  This time was a bit different in that I was invited to speak at all four Sunday morning services in addition to an evening schedule so I ended up ministering eight times total plus once by video to a group of people at still another location and campus in the area.  This picture is of Jason standing by one of the entrances to the church building.

DSCF8276The evening sessions were called Kingdom Encounters similar to what we do here in the Omaha area on Friday evenings.  During the morning services, I bonded well with many of the folks from the more traditional services, so we had a larger contingency of senior citizens there than had previously attended on other visits to this church.  I taught on Impartations and then prayed for everyone who came forward, and many were healed of many diseases and infirmities that evening including seeing several with arthritis in their necks and knees totally set free from pain.  One man in particular kept saying over and over, “I am impressed.”

DSCF8275A friend that we have known for many years was healed of Lyme’s Disease as all of the symptoms vanished and are still gone even now as I write this blog a few days after being there.  She also reported that the pain in her ankles that had been there since high school days or before that, was now totally gone and she was pain-free.  I am not sure how long that would be, but she does have grandchildren. And her healing was just one of so many that were touched by God this week.

I could see frowns and seriousness looks turn to smiles of joy as pain left many people’s bodies.  It was a joy to observe and experience.DSCF8249

Two men were healed of numbness and pain of Neuropathy in their feet.  One of the men ended up walking around the worship center declaring to many others that the numbness was gone.  Still another came to me on the third night and said the pain and numbness was still gone and that he was healed.  These are just some of the conditions listed, but Jesus was manifesting miracles all over the place.

DSCF8261On the second evening, the crowd was larger and more people came for healing. Jason was leading the worship team this night and did an excellent job.  At one point I had him sing in the spirit with healing words to release healing over those waiting for a touch from the Holy Spirit.

I felt led to pray for  those battling any sleep disorders or issues, including nightmares, and other sleep problems.  About half of the crowd came forward and then I had another group of people come up and support them in prayer and commit to praying for them for one week.  Then Jason played “Silent Night” and they all sang it several times while I prayed for each person individually, and then one more time as a group while we hummed it too. This is the second time in nine months we have used Silent Night for ministering to those who need healing of sleep patterns.  The song has a lot of anointing on it.

DSCF8263The next morning at the Tuesday morning session I was getting reports of how soundly everyone slept.  God was definitely working in this Lutheran Church and for the many visitors who came to participate too.

One of the coolest things about this service was at the conclusion, and having already been there over three hours, the people did not want to go home.  I shared with them that I often see this at the churches I go to, because the anointing is so strong, that no one wants to leave.  It is a blessing from God.  And right near the end, a young lady who had been severely limping at the beginning of the service due to an accident and surgery was now walking normal.  Still another lady who had deep knee pain could walk up and down the steps to the platform without any difficulty.  The healing testimonies go on and on and on.  The Lord was so amazing for sure!

On the last night we moved away from a mostly healing theme, and into other Kingdom manifestations including words of knowledge and prophecy.  After teaching on Empowered by the Spirit, I started pointing at people in the congregation and sharing personal words for them from the front with everyone else watching and listening, and then brought all those forward who wanted a touch or a word from God and almost everyone came forward.  This was followed by some very intense prayer ministry. DSCF8255

Trust me when I say I can’t share everything but while praying for a total stranger I got a word that he had just been through two different crisis’ and that he had a business deal that needed wisdom by Saturday and this was 100% correct.  When I started to pray for another couple, I kept hearing the word abortion and found out that they have been strong pro-Life folks active in that arena for 30 years and with the permission of a leader, I released them to a quiet and peaceful area to pray for others who had ever been involved in anything dealing with an abortion.  One such group of people are men who need prayer too, because they persuaded a lady to get an abortion and now often feel the guilt and sting of that decision.  The people in the picture above are actually greeting a retired pastor that I felt led to honor.  We had he and his wife come up for prayer, followed by a special offering and a greeting time.  This was not planned and was a God thing for sure.

Many people received very accurate words of knowledge and were blessed by carpet time or falling under the power of God.  Some went down sick but came up well and testified to this.  Still others received wisdom and understanding and discernment while on the floor as God spoke directly to them. 

DSCF8246We were blessed to sell many products including 77 of my books this week, plus numerous copies of Jason’s worship CD as well.  And while it rained every day we were there, the people came out and did not let the weather hinder their attendance. 

If you add in the number of those healed from the previous week in Houston to this week in Minneapolis it is close to 200 people experiencing great relief, new levels of trust with Jesus and more and more people who are getting excited about what God can do.  We also had some fun times with friends and enjoying great fellowship with folks that we know there along with others in the Minneapolis area who came to visit.  Below is my host Jon Brovold cooking chicken.DSCF8259DSCF8269The above picture is of me, along with Pastor Harley in the middle and the senior pastor, Dave Glesne on the right.   Glory to God for a great three days of ministry!

If you would like to connect with me for future ministry where you live or perhaps you want to refer me to another church, please contact me using my email address anointed2go@cox.net for more information.  While this report was at a larger church, please don’t let the size of your church keep you from contacting us.  We are willing to go and minister and help expand the Kingdom in your area.  The smallest church I ever went to minister at was with five people in Ohio, so don’t let size be a determining factor.  Thank you and may God Bless You!


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