Knee Replacement Cancelled Thanks to God’s Miracle Power

I am currently writing my 5th book and I thought I would share one of the testimonies from chapter one.  This book is titled “Fresh Oil,” as it is a great reflection of what God is doing in our church called Kingdom Encounters.  We planted this church about 2.5 years ago, and I shared a message early on about the anointing of God from Psalm 92:10 where it says we shall be anointed with fresh oil.  So in our culture here, you will rarely hear an Amen of agreement, but instead you will often hear the phrase Fresh Oil when someone likes what is happening at Kingdom Encounters.  You can discover more about us at 

Okay – here is the testimony from Chapter One: 

On October 19, 2014 which was the first official day of our new church plant called Kingdom Encounters, God did something miraculous that truly demonstrated who He is, and how He will be with us, while showing where we would be going as a church.  We have a lady in our church named Sharon.  She happens to be the oldest member of church at the age of 76.  She was 73 when this miracle happened.  She is pictured above.

 Sharon was walking with a walker and a cane depending on the severity of her pain and discomfort as was scheduled to have knee replacement surgery just eleven days later.  I asked her if I could pray for her, and after a 20 second prayer she stated she felt warmth in her knee.  I suggested that she try walking up some small steps, which she was able to do with ease.  All week long she tried to get her knee to hurt, even bending it backwards in weird positions and at times jumping up and down, yet she had no pain.  About six days later she went into see her doctor for a pre-operation exam and she shared with him that I had prayed with her and that she had no pain all week.  After further examination he cancelled the surgery declaring that she was well. 

 The interesting thing about this is that she was also experiencing shortness of breath and dizziness too and both of these symptoms were also healed, even though we never even prayed for them.  All I did was ask for God’s presence to come, spoke and shared some healing declarations and Sharon got well, and now nearly three years later she still has not had the surgery.  I have seen her walk up and down flights of stairs with no problems.   She even cleans our church building as a volunteer.      

This is what having a Fresh Anointing is all about.  This is the importance of walking in and with Fresh Oil as we are Anointed 2 GO and do Kingdom stuff that God may call on us to accomplish.  

If you want to get to heaven, all you have to do is believe in Jesus, but if you want to be a disciple of Jesus, you must follow Him, and that folks takes risk, but God is faithful and loves to flow through people taking risky steps of faith.  Let me say it one more way.  If you want to move from Earth to Heaven someday, just simply believe in Jesus, but if you want to move Heaven to Earth today, you must be a follower of Jesus.   Fresh Oil!  





2 thoughts on “Knee Replacement Cancelled Thanks to God’s Miracle Power

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