“The Stranger” – by my personal friend Judge Roy Moore – Alabama Supreme Court Justice

mc32This poem was written by my personal friend Judge Roy Moore –

The Honorable State Supreme Court Justice in Alabama –

He gave me permission to repost this copyrighted work.

“The Stranger” by Judge Roy Moore

The old man was alone by the fire that night; His wife and his kids were in bed. Christmas was near, but he was out of a job And could barely keep his family fed.

It was snowing outside and cold in the room, Because he had little wood left to burn. This would be a sad Christmas with cupboards so bare, For he had run out of places to turn. Continue reading

Prayer Regarding Sandy Hook Elementary… by Max Lucado

Sandy Hook Children


Dear Jesus,

It’s a good thing you were born at night. This world sure seems dark. I have a good eye for silver linings. But they seem dimmer lately.

These killings, Lord.  These children, Lord.  Innocence violated.  Raw evil demonstrated. 

The whole world seems on edge. Trigger-happy. Ticked off. We hear threats of chemical weapons and nuclear bombs. Are we one button-push away from annihilation?

Your world seems a bit darker this Christmas.  But you were born in the dark, right? You came at night. The shepherds were night shift workers. The Wise Men followed a star. Your first cries were heard in the shadows. To see your face, Mary and Joseph needed a candle flame. It was dark. Dark with Herod’s jealousy. Dark with Roman oppression. Dark with poverty.  Dark with violence.

Herod went on a rampage, killing babies. Joseph took you and your mom into Egypt. You were an immigrant before you were a Nazarene.

Oh, Lord Jesus, you entered the dark world of your day. Won’t you enter ours? We are weary of bloodshed. We, like the wise men, are looking for a star. We, like the shepherds, are kneeling at a manger.

Vineyard CrossThis Christmas, we ask you, heal us, help us, be born anew in us.


Your Children  sunset San Diego

Day 12 of Omaha HUB Revival – Go Again!

HUB 12


I will add current pictures to this post on Saturday, but wanted to give an update –

First, while attendance on Thursday was a little less than most of the other meetings, it surged again this evening.  There were many young adults and college age students along with some high school students and children.  One of the healings from the night before was a young lady – I believe she was 13 and had a metal plate fused in her back since she was seven, and could not bend or touch her toes, but suddenly Continue reading

Children Prophesy @ Omaha Revival plus Governor’s Invitation

Hub 101Revival was amazing tonight – It started very different in that the large contingency of students were encouraged to go to their own youth groups, so the meeting started small, but many people drifted in and we ended up having a large group.  There were a number of college students from various colleges, including Grace University that our son Jason attends and almost all of them were healed of something including partially deaf ears and a previously shattered elbow that straightened out and arthritis – yes arthritis in a student Continue reading

I almost did not get out of prison – Freedom in Prison and More Freedom at Omaha Revival

DSCF7565Earlier on Monday Dec 10th, I drove 1.5 hours to minister to some inmates at the maximum security prison in Tecumseh, Nebraska.  Some of the men who actually belonged to our church (Eagle’s Nest pictured here) have started their own prison ministry to the other inmates in that they save up their weekly salary of about $2 a week and use that money to buy snacks and toothpaste and other essentials to give to other inmates in the yard.  They also pray for the inmates and collect prayer requests and send them to the church we belong to in Omaha.  They witness and lead inmates to the Lord, so a few months ago I started writing to one of the leaders and this has led me now to where I go in and minister to the top four leaders to encourage and bless and teach and pray with them.

After being admitted to the waiting area inside of the prison, I felt led to sit next to a couple whose son is from Omaha and is prison there as well.  I shared with them what I wrote above and they asked me if I could ask the leaders to reach out to their son.  Continue reading

Revival in Omaha Nebraska

HUB 43HUB 49

If you haven’t heard there is a revival going on in Omaha Nebraska that started spontaneously last Monday – tonight is the 8th night.  Kris Kildosher from the healing rooms at Bethel Church in Redding CA came to speak and is still here.  Each night the room is packed out with adults and students – many high school students from public schools in the area have attended and encountered Jesus.  Healings happen every night in dramatic form and casual ways – many students from high schools and now colleges who were big skeptics of healing or that God speaks today have since changed their minds.

A recent note on the Omaha HUB Facebook page from a parent reads like this:

My son goes to Millard High North, and the revival is becoming a hot topic of conversation!! Kids are getting saved, healed delivered!!! Go God!!! All gory to you King Jesus!!!! Thank you for what you’re doing in our city!!! Continue reading

My Birthday Wish on December 4th – Ministry of Kindness

H6Tuesday Dec 4th is my birthday – so would you do me a favor – just go and do something nice for someone on Tuesday  and advance the Kingdom of God through the fruit of the Spirit of Kindness – Galatians 5:22  and say, “I just did that to wish my friend Jay West a happy birthday” – and if you can share what you did and how it turned out, please do that too. And if you want that person to share it with me, then  share my blog page with them.

God Bless You – and Thank You!
